Monday, November 4, 2019

First Quarter Reflection

First quarter of the first year of the first half of it, not bad. I mean it's not like the grades I got are bad. Just I thought the kids were, haha. Mostly 3s, a couple of 4s, and maybe two 2s. But hey, it’s for first quarter, nothing to worry about. I’m glad I did good in math just by exceeding most of the lessons. But I need to talk with my partners more often. I often do the work alone with no help. Although, I did get my 4s there. Reading, I’m alright on that. But I wanna get a four more often, I’m gonna have to explain things like a seventh grader. Thing is, the final test, I just spent less time on it. Usually doing that may get you something wrong, but I thought quick about my answers and got done with it. Made me get some of my 3s. Social Studies, it was fun and cool! Solving the mystery of Ötzi the Iceman’s death was amazing, we had some pretty good theories of how he died. 3s from that. Science was cool at the beginning, we explained how a catapult works, tested a material mixed with air. I thought I didn’t do good yet I got a 3, but that’s alright. Art was cool, I liked the tools we used to help us paint, draw or sketch, and that’s about it. I liked the part where we made those eyes. Too bad my freckles on the guy’s eye area weren’t realistic. But surely enough my sister will enjoy doing Art here. She’ll do more than a 3 I hope. I’m just gonna say one part of health got me a 3, but the other, a 2. I wish I knew how my poster looked, I wasn’t the one who got to finish the details of the drawing, but I was the one who put the information about how bad alcohol is. I believe that’s it, there’s enough that I explained here.

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